International dog show of Switserland (CH)       

Mithrellas De L’Amouraudiere

Today NEW CHAMPION pending AKC approval
The breed winner for Beauceron at Greater Naples Dog Club, Inc., judged by Mr. Roger R. Hartinger, is bitch:
Mithrellas De L’Amouraudiere (DN 39916301)

FIRST, judged by Mr. Roger Hartinger
WINNER, judged by Mr. Roger Hartinger
BEST OF BREED, judged by Mr. Roget Hartinger
BEST OF WINNERS, judged by Mr. Roger Hartinger

Health message of Noraly and Oldie

Et voilà de 3 , Noraly et Oldie de l’Amouraudière ont passé aujourd’hui le dépistage de CMD ( cardio- myopathie) tout est normal
Examens et rapports faits à l’école Vétérinaire de Liège par un vet. spécialiste cardiologue

We have made today the official heart ultrasound to Oldie and Noraly de l’Amouraudière , ( DCM screening)
Result is perfect.

Cardiac normal by ultrasound, certified on offical report by cardiologist at the veterinarian school of Liège (B)